
Donkey and a Deer....

are all done!  Except for tails and all the little bits of touch up I still need to, really, not done, but I am getting close.  I have to install my exhibition on June 4, and I think I can see the end.  This little donkey showed up in an earlier post, but has got limbs now.  This happens to be my mom's favorite (she has two donkeys of her own.)

Donkey doll art artdoll painted animal

And then this deer is one of my favorites.  I have had the body in my work closet for at least a year, waiting for a time to get finished.  I also am making her a little mirrored vanity and stool...she needs a place to do her makeup.  

deer doll art fine art sculpture anthropomorphic
deer doll art sculpture anthropomorphic painted
deer donkey artdolls sculpture paperclay


Sculpting animal critters....

I just adore sloths.  Do you know they do a dance to poop?  Sometimes I feel like a little boogie is needed to get things moving.  

His left eye can move in the socket, and sometimes he just looks so confused.  Or high.  I can't decide if I should let it be.  It might be a good look for a sloth.

Superfine! art fair at Miami Art week 2016....

and I am going!  I had been looking at Emerging Fair venues during some of the major art weeks across the US to see if one might be accessible to me.  In my research, I discovered Superfine! and was really excited about the possibility.  Then comes real life in the form of basement water and mold, possible job status changes and coming cat dental bills, and I figured I better hold off.  But with the sale of my grid last week, I decided to go for it.  I applied, have been accepted and am starting to prepare my curatorial plan for the fair.  I am really excited about it!  I know many of the dolls will go, and I have some small framed stitched pieces I would like to include as well.  I am thinking about two bigger stitched pieces, but I don't know that I can get that done.  I am so excited for five days in Miami in December and ALL THE ART!  

Elizabeth Gilbert's brilliant advice....

Do you ever listen to the Krista Tippett radio show/podcast "On Being"?  I do, but am way behind.  So this friend that I was visiting said I really needed to listen to the episode with Elizabeth Gilbert, who wrote "Eat Pray Love."  I did today while I was at the gym, and it had me smiling the whole time.  The episode title is "Choosing curiosity over fear" and it really resonated with me.  I don't often address my personal life here on the blog, but so much of the discussion addressed questions I have had in my own life and artistic practice.  

Elizabeth Gilbert said creativity is our "birthright" as humans, that we are the "maker apes." And then somewhere along the way, we lose this sense of naturalness or innateness to our creativity.  Many of us don't recover it; but that living a life of curiosity is also living a life of creativity.  She said that you may not may an object/an artwork, but that you make a life, which is a creative act.  She seems to have given herself permission to follow her curiosity, wherever that may lead.  

"I think curiosity is our friend that teaches us how to become ourselves. And it's a very gentle friend, and a very forgiving friend, and a very constant one. Passion is not so constant, not so gentle, not so forgiving, and sometimes not so available. And so when we live in a world that has come to fetishize passion above all, there's a great deal of pressure around that."  Elizabeth Gilbert

I am finding now, in my mid-life, that I am changing, that the people I love are changing, and that being fixed on passion, or your younger self's expectations. leaves little room for this organic growth.  Isn't it so brilliant to give yourself permission to explore in ways you might never have before....and then to have no judgement about that exploration?  

To choose curiosity over fear means to choose possibility.  One of the things I have struggled with is not wanting to feel the fear, or to know it.  But there is no way around that.  There is no life without fear.  There is however that moment, where you recognize the fear and want to run.  You can say hello to it instead, and then choose to not let it make your choices for you.  It is so difficult but unbelievably simple all at the same time.  I think I am beginning to choose curiosity; to explore because it brings me joy.  There is some good stuff in their talk about joy, and gladness, courage and compassion...just some wonderful words that will continue to resonate for me.  I hope you will have a listen if it is of any interest to you.  



So I hear there have been some troubles commenting...and unfortunately, IT support (husband) is out of town.  As far as I can see, the settings seem to allow comments, but I will have to try my giveaway another time.  Until then, I just posted this on

"Doll (Stretch)" is one of my three most favorite from this series.  It is so nice to go back to work and remember why it mattered so.  


I am so pleased to say that I have four dolls at RISDWORKS, the RISD Museum store for the summer.  The Fox, Elephant, Pig and a single sewing lady are there.  My girlfriend (and former boss) was kind enough to take pictures for me a couple of weeks ago.  I just noticed that the sewing lady's limbs are a little askew, so I will have to email the manager to get her rearranged.  It is such an honor!