So excited that artist/author Elaine Luther reached out to me after seeing my work at Woman Made Gallery in Chicago. She has written a lovely piece about my work right here. And the website has lots of fabulous resources for all artists at all stages of their careers!
women artist
Work in progress is it 2017?
Hi there for anyone who has been reading...I have been to Miami, been back, had shingles, given my husband chicken pox, fought with my son's asthma, been making some screen prints and trying to get a lot of my own work done. So much to report on Miami and all the work I saw, but that will have to be a different post. Right now, I am just quick trying to get back at this so I am posting one of my new figures. I have a show in June in Northern Minnesota, and I hope to have a whole family to share.
This is my new woodpecker. And I am so in love with him. I am working on wings and limbs now. Somehow I need to start planning for these little critters tails would make things so much easier. I tend to forget they have them.
Is a two-person exhibit I am in with Nicole Simpkins at the Larson Art gallery at the University of Minnesota St. Paul campus. The show opens on Thursday 1/28 from 6-8 pm. And it is catered by Holy Land middle eastern restaurant. Hope to see you there!
NIcole Sara Simpkins
I just saw...
the most amazing exhibition at the Minnesota Textile Center. "Woman Troubles" are a series of embroidered images on dyed silk that are unbelievably lovely. And they are images of used maxi pads...worn, bloody, squished maxi pads. Jess machine embroiders patterns of rich color, soft texture and wonderfully individual images that made me rethink what I see as beauty in relation to my own body. Unfortunately, she does not yet have these images on her website, so I am including some from a different body of work titled "Look and Learn, Little Girl" that are just as beautiful.