art fair

Superfine! art fair at Miami Art week 2016....

and I am going!  I had been looking at Emerging Fair venues during some of the major art weeks across the US to see if one might be accessible to me.  In my research, I discovered Superfine! and was really excited about the possibility.  Then comes real life in the form of basement water and mold, possible job status changes and coming cat dental bills, and I figured I better hold off.  But with the sale of my grid last week, I decided to go for it.  I applied, have been accepted and am starting to prepare my curatorial plan for the fair.  I am really excited about it!  I know many of the dolls will go, and I have some small framed stitched pieces I would like to include as well.  I am thinking about two bigger stitched pieces, but I don't know that I can get that done.  I am so excited for five days in Miami in December and ALL THE ART!  

RISD Craft...

Is one of the next things on my calendar.  It is an annual alumni/student sale during Parents Weekend at the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, RI. I loved going to it and seeing all the work when I was a student.  This year, it was juried, and the college provides tables and a tent should it rain, so you don't have to have a booth to apply with.  I've been curious about art fairs, and this one has a built in audience, so I applied.  And I am going.  I'm pretty excited.  I will take the sewing dolls, animal dolls and some of my MFA dolls.  I am also going to make some prints of photographs I have made of the dolls...I had hoped to make new ones with the new doll furniture and environments, but there is just not time.  So I am starting to think about hang tags, plastic sleeves, a tablecloth, postcards...what my brand should look like.  I've got a month to do it.  The sale is one day only, Saturday, October 10 from 10 am - 5 pm.  If you are in the area, please come out and see me!  If you can't make it to the sale, you can check out the artist spotlight to see what you'll miss.