contemporary art exhibition

Zoom Artist Talk....

I will be having a zoom artist talk at the Minneapolis Institute of Art on Wednesday 4/14, 6 pm Central time about my exhibition “Chthonic.” Reservations are free, and if you would like one, here is the link. I am going to be talking with Nicole Soukup, Assistant Curator of Contemporary Art about the work, it’s making and what I am thinking about next. Hope to see you there!


This is Colossal goodness....

How have I not mentioned this here?!? On February 1, my exhibition “Chthonic” was featured on which was a dream come true! I have been admiring this site for years, trying to figure out how/what to submit. And then Mia has a marketing department and asked for my wishlist of places to reach out to…and hear it is…A Monumental Collection of Slouching Figures Considers the Effects of Aging on the Body

Spend some time looking through the archives…you won’t be disappointed!

Jerome Fellowship exhibition....

So pleased I was finally able to see my studio mate, Sophia Chai’s work in the Jerome Fellowship Exhibition at MCAD this week. I may be biased, but it was a fabulous show. I only ever see small increments of change in the studio and then at the end there are these amazing photographs which play with how we perceive photography. And I love the framing of the photograph with the same color of paint on the wall, it puts us in the space with the original painted wall in a way that is really interesting. Hope you get a chance to see the exhibition! And there will be more images of the other artists work coming soon.
