I will be having a zoom artist talk at the Minneapolis Institute of Art on Wednesday 4/14, 6 pm Central time about my exhibition “Chthonic.” Reservations are free, and if you would like one, here is the link. I am going to be talking with Nicole Soukup, Assistant Curator of Contemporary Art about the work, it’s making and what I am thinking about next. Hope to see you there!
Minneapolis Institute of Art
an interview on mnartists.walkerart.org
So my family and I bought a house, moved and are trying to sell our old house. Needless to say it has been a little nuts. Somehow I forgot to post a link to an interview I did with arts writer Sheila Regan on mnartists.org. You can see the interview here. The site as a whole is amazing, and if you don’t know about it, I would spend some time. It is a platform of the Walker Art Center that has a 20 year history of supporting Minnesota artists. It relaunched in 2021 featuring more arts writing and maintains a comprehensive list of both Minnesota and national artist opportunities. If I didn’t live in MN, this is still a site I would check regularly. Thank you Walker Art Center and the McKnight Foundation for supporting artists!
My favorite thought that speaks directly to the making of this work “to understand that your body is yours, but it’s also something else, took me a long time to come to.”
Thank you Sheila for the great conversation!
This is Colossal goodness....
How have I not mentioned this here?!? On February 1, my exhibition “Chthonic” was featured on thisiscolossal.com which was a dream come true! I have been admiring this site for years, trying to figure out how/what to submit. And then Mia has a marketing department and asked for my wishlist of places to reach out to…and hear it is…A Monumental Collection of Slouching Figures Considers the Effects of Aging on the Body
Spend some time looking through the archives…you won’t be disappointed!
"Chthonic" at the Minneapolis Institute of Art
So it has been over a year since my last blog post…and a pandemic, online teaching, an election and two exhibitions. The last post the acceptance or my (how many?) proposal for the Minnesota Artist Exhibition Program at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. There was so much in between, but that is where I am starting now. From that day on I put my head down and got to work. It was the most fulfilling creative endeavor of my career. I am just so thankful for all of it. By the end, I could hardly get around my own studio, and I had moved two figures into another friends studio when I ran out of room. We needed a 26’ truck to deliver the work and it had to spend a week in the deep freeze after arriving at Mia; felt can have larvae and it had to be frozen before going into the museum proper. Then I had the best help for two weeks of install. We got it finished right as Governor Walz shut down entertainment and hospitality venues for Covid. But it opened this last Thursday, and I am thrilled that people are getting a chance to see it! I will post more about the making, installation and exhibition in the coming weeks!
Title text and door way into second gallery space…
Supine, Sway and Lumber
Twine, Sway, Supine, Lumber and Settle
Trunk and Nourish