I never mean to let this much time pass between entries, but where did the summer go? It seems like I spent all summer applying to things, and now I am starting to hear back. I sent off my proposal to the MAEP program, and after talking with the program administrator, I think I am getting closer. I've got some adjustments to make for the 10/31 deadline, and I think I am hopeful. I've been rejected for a Juried Exhibition that looked like a good opportunity, and two academic residencies...and I am still waiting on a lot. I did have my SEMAC grant proposal accepted for support of new work I intend to exhibit next summer! $5000! I am so thrilled. My friend MaryBeth also got one for $2500! We both just got our paperwork in and should receive a check on 9/1/17. I am actually going to get paid to make work....a large piece I posted planning pictures of earlier this summer. I can't wait.
And it turns out if you just keep applying to stuff, the rejections start to sting way less.
I just found out last week that I have a Drawing 1 class at RCTC, so I have been in planning mode for a couple of days. Luckily, Drawing is one of my favorite things to teach, and I can do it without much trouble, so I am not worried about prep.
And finally, my son is about two weeks off of his own school starting. Fifth grade. He will be walking himself home in the afternoons as I won't be home. Missing out on the walk makes me a little sad; that was one of my favorite parts of the day. And about the only time he tells me anything of significance. I guess I should be getting used to that.