I just discovered this fabulous podcast through instagram actually. I am not sure how it popped up on my feed…if it found me or I found it, but I have listened to a couple of interviews and it is wonderful! It is the work of artist/mother Kaylan Butetyn. This is one of the paintings I love on her website:
Big Momma #2
“You can make critical art and be a mother at the same time.”
It is true. It is damn hard some days, but you can do it. It is so great to hear stories of all sorts of mom artists making their way. My son is 12, with wispy hairs above his lip and more smarts than I know what to do with and we are at this great place where he encourages me. He sees the value of the weird things I make. And that makes it possible. My kid loves me because I am his mom…but he also loves this weird practice that makes me bring home strange dolls from estate sales and make things that look like pubic hairs. It is everything. Hope you have a chance to check her podcast out!