what I watched....

I watch television on my computer while I stitch. And I listen to archived episodes of "This American Life." I have spent a lot of time stitching over the last couple of weeks...and we dumped our cable and subscribed to AmazonPrime and HuluPlus. I rewatched the first four seasons of "Justified" with Timothy Olyphant and Walton Goggins. It is brilliant television based on an Elmore Leonard Character, Raylan Givens. The second season with Mags Bennett as the big baddie has been the best of the seasons. I plowed through the first season on "The Good Wife."  I have no idea why I never watched it before. I fell in love with Agent Coulson on the first season of "Agents of SHIELD." (I am not doing the periods, I know.) I got caught up on the second season of "Arrow" and decided I really need to learn to fight like Mr. Queen.  I need a new project...I have another four seasons of "The Good Wife" waiting for me.